Yolo Conflict Resolution is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization offers free services to anyone in need of assistance with a conflict, disagreement or other situations where harm has been created. Additionally, YCRC offers training for any individuals, families, organizations or groups that would like to improve their skills in managing conflict, improving communication or anger management. YCRC also offers Restorative Justice services which allows for more accountability for those who have caused harm and addresses needs of those who have been harmed.
Please consider supporting us with cash donations or in-kind services.
We appreciate your support!
There are several ways to support YCRC !
Checks can also be made out to YCRC and mailed to PO Box 1874, Davis CA 95617
Thank you!
If you need help with a conflict or disagreement please feel free to call or email us! Our services are completely free and we are happy to help! You can reach us at [email protected] or 530-564-2324
For updates on our activities currently “Like” our FaceBook page https://www.facebook.com/YoloCRC
Thank you and be well!
Si necesita ayuda con un conflicto o desacuerdo, no dude en llamarnos o enviarnos un correo electrónico. ¡Nuestros servicios son completamente gratuitos y si estamos felices de ayudar! Puede comunicarse con nosotros en [email protected] o 530-564-2324
Para obtener actualizaciones sobre nuestras actividades, actualmente haga clic en “Like” en nuestra página de Facebook
Gracias y que estés bien!
Office Hours:
9:00am – 5:00pm
Monday – Thursday
Please call for an in-person appointment
530-564-2324 or email [email protected]
705 Main Street
Woodland, 95695
YCRC is participates in the Center for Car Donations Car Donation Program.
If you’re interested in donating a vehicle, visit centerforcardonations.com and check out our FAQs.